
የቻይና አይው ዓለም አቀፍ የደን ምርቶች ዐውደ ርዕይ (የደን ትርኢት በአጭሩ) 2024

የቻይና ዬwu ዓለም አቀፍ የደን ምርቶች ትር Fairት (የደን ትር Fairት ለአጭር)
From November 01, 2024 until November 04, 2024
Jinhua - Yiwu አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል, Zhejiang, ቻይና
(እባክዎ ከመገኘትዎ በፊት ቀኑን እና ቦታውን ከዚህ በታች ባለው ኦፊሴላዊ ጣቢያ ላይ ደግመው ያረጋግጡ።)


Jinhua is the home of Zhejiang crafts. Yiwu import commodities mall expands. Yiwu experiences a surge in sales of small commodities. Afghani merchant says Yiwu Fair is a boost to global trade. Fair for forest products to celebrate creativity and matchmaking. Yiwu inspects bridge structures.

On Nov 13, a new trade center will be opened for the importation of commodities on the first-floor of the Yiwu China Imported Commodities Mall.

Local media reported that the Yiwu International Trade Market, in Yiwu and Zhejiang Province, is seeing an increase of visitors.

"Yiwu Fair is a fair that I was introduced to by a friend back in 2005. Now, I recommend it to other foreign traders," said Azizullah Mir Wali during an interview with local media in Yiwu on October 11.

From Nov. 1 to 4, the 12th China Yiwu International Forest Products Fair, also known as Forest Fair in short, will be held at Yiwu International Expo Center.

Local media reported that Yiwu, in Zhejiang Province, recently launched a program to inspect the condition of 144 bridges.

Copyright (c) Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's GovernmentAll rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's GovernmentAll rights reserved. All rights reserved.

ዘይቤዎች: 24904

ለቲኬቶች ወይም ለዳስ ይመዝገቡ

እባኮትን በቻይና ዪዉ አለም አቀፍ የደን ምርቶች ትርኢት (የደን ትርኢት በአጭሩ) ኦፊሴላዊ ድረ-ገጽ ላይ ይመዝገቡ።

የቦታ ካርታ እና ሆቴሎች ዙሪያ

Jinhua - Yiwu አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል, Zhejiang, ቻይና Jinhua - Yiwu አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል, Zhejiang, ቻይና


ግኖንዱ አልፍሬድ ፋብሪስ
demande de coopération sur la proposition de vente et exportation de Bois depuis le ጋቦን
coopération et demande d’onformation pour les produits foresters
nous vous ፕሮፖዛል ብዝሃነት qualité de Bois a la vente

800 ቁምፊዎች ቀርተዋል