
የቼንግዱ ዓለም አቀፍ የፍራንቻይዝ ኤክስፖ 2024

የቼንግዱ ዓለም አቀፍ የፍራንቻይዝ ኤክስፖ
From March 27, 2024 until March 30, 2024
ሻንጋይ - ብሔራዊ ኮንቬንሽን እና ኤግዚቢሽን ማዕከል, ሻንጋይ, ቻይና
(እባክዎ ከመገኘትዎ በፊት ቀኑን እና ቦታውን ከዚህ በታች ባለው ኦፊሴላዊ ጣቢያ ላይ ደግመው ያረጋግጡ።)



በ 2005 የተመሰረተው SFE የሻንጋይ ኢንተርናሽናል ፍራንቺዝ ኤክስፖ፣ የሙሉ አገልግሎት ፍራንቻይዝ በጋራ በሻንጋይ ፍራንቻይዝ ማህበር፣ በሻንጋይ ኢቢሰን ኤግዚቢሽን Co., Ltd. እና በሻንጋይ UBM ኢንተርናሽናል ኤግዚቢሽን Co., Ltd.

The "2023 China Business Franchise summit: Looking for opportunities and Gaining Increases- Franchise Investment Outlook Forum", jointly organized by Shanghai Chain Franchise Association and Shanghai Sinoexpo International Exhibition Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Ibison Exhibition Co. Ltd., will feature all formats of industry. With its diversified international structure, this event is a landmark that brings together industry heavyweights and authoritative associations to discuss and share the innovation and growth of chain brands and lead the industry's future with the collision wisdom of all parties. Let's work together to establish the benchmark for the industry and pursue common development.

The SFE Shanghai International Franchise Exhibition Organizing Committee and authoritative industry association Shanghai Chain Store and Franchise Association jointly launch the annual award selection event. The event has been rated for 16 years in a row, and more than 500 chain stores have received commendations.

The SFE carefully chosen brand joint roadshow highlights benchmarking effects of leading brands. It focuses on expressing strategic adjustments made to respond to and lead market changes as well as new stores or product launch plans that reflect the latest trends in the industry. The business logic behind this not only helps investors better understand the level of industry and future opportunities, but it also creates a platform that highlights charm, displays brand style and attracts investor's attention.

ዘይቤዎች: 14761

ለቲኬቶች ወይም ለዳስ ይመዝገቡ

እባክዎ በ Chengdu International Franchise Expo ኦፊሴላዊ ድረ-ገጽ ላይ ይመዝገቡ

የቦታ ካርታ እና ሆቴሎች ዙሪያ

ሻንጋይ - ብሔራዊ ኮንቬንሽን እና ኤግዚቢሽን ማዕከል, ሻንጋይ, ቻይና ሻንጋይ - ብሔራዊ ኮንቬንሽን እና ኤግዚቢሽን ማዕከል, ሻንጋይ, ቻይና


800 ቁምፊዎች ቀርተዋል