ቻይናቻት / SFCHINA - የቻይና ካፖርት ሻንጋይ

ቻይናቻት / SFCHINA - የቻይና ካፖርት ሻንጋይ

From December 03, 2024 until December 05, 2024

በሻንጋይ - ሻንጋይ, ሻንጋይ, ቻይና

[ኢሜል የተጠበቀ]

+ 86755 6138 8100 / + 852 2865 0062



CHINACOAT - የአለምአቀፍ ሽፋን ኢንዱስትሪዎች ወደ መድረክ ይሂዱ. አካባቢ ሀ፣ ቻይና አስመጪ እና ላኪ ትርኢት ኮምፕሌክስ። የሻንጋይ ትዕይንት 2023 የፎቶ ማጠቃለያ። በአለም አቀፍ ሚዲያ በኩል ማስታወቂያ።

Since 1996, CHINACOAT is a global B2B platform that serves the coatings industry. Exhibitors benefit from increased visibility, market presence, new leads, maintaining existing customer relationships, strengthening competitive edges and increasing brand recognition. CHINACOAT adopted a hybrid "Online + offline" trade exhibition format in 2020 to provide a wider and more diverse audience for exhibitors. CHINACOAT2024 will be held in Guangzhou, China in December as a platform for growth among exhibitors.

(ሐ) ሁሉም መብቶች ለSINOSTAR ITE INTERNATIONAL ሊሚትድ የተጠበቁ ናቸው።