
የቻይና ዓለም አቀፍ የቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ትምህርት ኤክስፖ 2024

የቻይና ዓለም አቀፍ የመዋለ ሕጻናት ትምህርት ኤክስፖ
From October 16, 2024 until October 18, 2024
ሻንጋይ - የሻንጋይ አዲስ ዓለም አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል(SNIEC)፣ ሻንጋይ፣ ቻይና
(እባክዎ ከመገኘትዎ በፊት ቀኑን እና ቦታውን ከዚህ በታች ባለው ኦፊሴላዊ ጣቢያ ላይ ደግመው ያረጋግጡ።)


CPE China Preschool Education Expo, a preschool industry expo, is hosted by China Toy and Baby Products Association with the academic and event support of the China Education Society. It is dedicated to promoting a healthy and rapid growth in China's early education industry. The exhibition, which is "professional, brand-named and international", is the most professional platform to display and dock products from across the industry chain and for the collision of cutting edge theories.

CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, on one hand, expands its scope to include the entire early childhood industry chain. On the other, it maintains the four-in-1 advantage of "forum discussions + new product displays + precise docking and scene experience", further subdivides, enriches and displays an A more three-dimensional ecosystem of the early childhood industry.

CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition features more than 900 brands from China and over 100 brands from overseas, which cover 30 countries and areas around the globe. The exhibition featured domestic production areas like Zhejiang Yongjia Jiangsu Baoying and Shandong Linyi. Also, well-known preschool integration companies such as Oumeng Huasenwei and Qisehua participated.

The 2023 CPE China Early Childhood Education Exhibition will feature 20+ colorful activities, with a focus on popular topics such as childcare and steam education. The Ministry of Education will invite 100+ experts in the field of early childhood education and childcare to the exhibition. They include representatives of various preschool industry organizations, managers of local education departments, scholars and experts from educational research institutions and colleges, as well as representatives of kindergarten organizers. Base.

ዘይቤዎች: 23984

ለቲኬቶች ወይም ለዳስ ይመዝገቡ

እባክዎ በቻይና ዓለም አቀፍ የቅድመ ትምህርት ትምህርት ኤክስፖ ኦፊሴላዊ ድረ-ገጽ ላይ ይመዝገቡ

የቦታ ካርታ እና ሆቴሎች ዙሪያ

ሻንጋይ - የሻንጋይ አዲስ ዓለም አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል(SNIEC)፣ ሻንጋይ፣ ቻይና ሻንጋይ - የሻንጋይ አዲስ ዓለም አቀፍ ኤክስፖ ማዕከል(SNIEC)፣ ሻንጋይ፣ ቻይና


ሙሀመድ ካሺፍ ሳጄል
ቅድመ ትምህርት ቤት ትምህርት
እኛ የወደፊቱ ራዕይ ትምህርት ቤት ስርዓት ለተቸገረው የህብረተሰብ ክፍል ጥራት ያለው የትምህርት እና የእውቀት ብርሃን ለማሰራጨት የ NFP የትምህርት ድርጅት ነው ፡፡ ከመሠረቱ ጀምሮ እውነተኛውን የሕይወት ተሞክሮ እና ተግባራዊ እውቀት ለተማሪዎቻችን ለማድረስ ቁርጠኛ ነን ፡፡ የቡድናችን ቀጣይነት ያለው አቅም ማጎልበት ከማህበረሰብ ተሳትፎ እና የመስክ ጉብኝት የተማሪዎቻችን ዋና እሴቶቻችን ናቸው ፡፡

800 ቁምፊዎች ቀርተዋል